3. Vectors and Matrices#

Here we work with vectors and matrices, and get acquainted with concepts in linear algebra by computing.

\[ % Latex macros \newcommand{\mat}[1]{\begin{pmatrix} #1 \end{pmatrix}} \newcommand{\p}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} \newcommand{\b}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} \newcommand{\w}{\boldsymbol{w}} \newcommand{\x}{\boldsymbol{x}} \newcommand{\y}{\boldsymbol{y}} \]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Numpy ndarray as vector and matrix#

You can create a matrix from a nested list.

A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

You cam also create a matrix by stacking arrays vertically

b = np.array([1, 2, 3])
np.vstack((b, 2*b))
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [2, 4, 6]])
# another way of stacking row vectors
np.r_[[b, 2*b]]
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [2, 4, 6]])

or by combining arrays as column vectors

np.c_[b, 2*b]
array([[1, 2],
       [2, 4],
       [3, 6]])

You can also create an arbitrary matrix by list comprehension.

np.array([[10*i + j for j in range(3)] for i in range(2)])
array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [10, 11, 12]])

Creating common matrices#

array([[0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.]])
array([[1., 1., 1.],
       [1., 1., 1.]])
array([[1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.]])
np.random.randn(2,3)  # normal distribution
array([[ 1.510774  ,  0.58785224, -0.7240165 ],
       [ 0.21576691,  0.2838077 , -0.40601794]])
np.random.random(size=(2,3))  # uniform in [0, 1)
array([[0.60354338, 0.93351899, 0.88725924],
       [0.21906768, 0.80595504, 0.19314316]])
np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2,3))  # uniform in [-1, 1)
array([[ 0.37664949, -0.18813981, -0.95243629],
       [ 0.04186525, -0.24734644, -0.11067838]])
np.random.randint(-3, 3, size=(2,3))  # integers -3,...,2
array([[-3, -2, -3],
       [ 0, -2,  1]])
np.empty((2,3), dtype=int)  # allocate without initialization
array([[ 4600456733979527588, -4627425565399045880, -4616618033895735470],
       [ 4586194239251452448, -4625292421908432520, -4630732398593096800]])

Checking and setting the type and shape#

array([[1., 2., 3.],
       [4., 5., 6.]])
len(A)  # in the outmost level
A.shape  # each dimension
(2, 3)
A.size  # total items
A.ndim  # dimension

A 2D numpy array is internally a linear sequence of data.
ravel( ) geves its flattened representation.

array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

The result of reshaping reflect this internal sequence.

A.reshape(3, 2)
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])

You can excange rows and columns by transpose .T

array([[1, 4],
       [2, 5],
       [3, 6]])

Adressing components by [ ]#

A[1]  # second row
array([4, 5, 6])
A[:,1]  # second column
array([2, 5])
A[:,::-1]  # columns in reverse order
array([[3, 2, 1],
       [6, 5, 4]])

You can specify arbitrary order by a list of indices.

A[[1,0,1]]  # rows
array([[4, 5, 6],
       [1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])
A[:, [1,2,1,0]]  # columns
array([[2, 3, 2, 1],
       [5, 6, 5, 4]])
A[[1,0,1], [1,2,0]]   # [A[1,1], A[0,2], A[1,0]]
array([5, 3, 4])

Vectors and dot product#

A vector can represent:

  • a point in n-dimensional space

  • a movement in n-dimensional space

The dot product (or inner product) of two vectors \(\b{x} = (x_1,...,x_n)\) and \(\b{y} = (y_1,...,y_n)\) is defined as

\[ \b{x} \cdot \b{y} = x_1 y_1 + ... + x_n y_n = \sum_{i=1}^n x_i y_i \]

The inner product measures how two vectors match up, giving

\[ -||\b{x}||\,||\b{y}|| \le \b{x} \cdot \b{y} \le ||\b{x}||\,||\b{y}|| \]

with the maximum when two vectors line up, zero when two are orthogonal.

The length (or norm) of the vector is defined as

\[ ||\b{x}|| = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2} = \sqrt{\b{x} \cdot \b{x}} \]
x = np.array([0, 1, 2])
y = np.array([3, 4, 5])
print( x * y)  # component-wise product
[ 0  4 10]

There are different ways to compute a dot product of vectors:

print( np.inner(x, y))
print( np.dot(x, y))
print( x.dot(y))
print( x @ y)

Matrices and matrix product#

A matrix can represent

  • a set of vectors

  • time series of vectors

  • 2D image data,

The matrix product \(AB\) is a matrix made of the inner products of the rows of \(A\) and the columns of \(B\).
For \(A = \left(\begin{array}{cc} a & b\\ c & d\end{array}\right)\) and \(B = \left(\begin{array}{cc} e & f\\ g & h\end{array}\right)\), the matrix product is

\[\begin{split} AB = \left(\begin{array}{cc} ae+bg & af+bh \\ ce+dg & cf+dh\end{array}\right). \end{split}\]
A = np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]])
B = np.array([[3, 2], [1, 0]])
[[0 1]
 [2 3]]
[[3 2]
 [1 0]]
print( A * B)  # component-wise
print( np.inner(A, B))  # row by row
[[0 2]
 [2 0]]
[[ 2  0]
 [12  2]]

There are several ways for a matrix product.

print( np.dot(A, B))
print( A.dot(B))
print( A @ B)  # new since Pyton 3.5
[[1 0]
 [9 4]]
[[1 0]
 [9 4]]
[[1 0]
 [9 4]]

Matrix and vector space#

A matrix product can mean:

  • transformation to another vector space

  • movement in the space

The product of a 2D matrix \(A\) and a vector \(\b{x}\) is given as

\[\begin{split} A \b{x} = \mat{ a & b\\ c & d}\mat{x \\ y} = \mat{ax+by\\ cx+dy}. \end{split}\]

Specifically for unit vectors

\[\begin{split} A \mat{1 \\ 0} = \mat{ a \\ c } \mbox{and } A \mat{0 \\ 1} = \mat{ b \\ d}\end{split}\]

meaning that each column of \(A\) represents how a unit vector in each axis is transformed.

# Prepare a set of points in colors
s = 2  # grid size
x = np.arange(-s, s+1)
X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x, x)
# 2xm matrix of points
X = np.vstack((np.ravel(X1), np.ravel(X2)))
# red-blue for x, green for y
C = (np.vstack((X[0,:], X[1,:], -X[0,:])).T + s)/(2*s)
plt.scatter(X[0,:], X[1,:], c=C)
p = plt.axis('square')
[[-2 -1  0  1  2 -2 -1  0  1  2 -2 -1  0  1  2 -2 -1  0  1  2 -2 -1  0  1
 [-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  0  0  0  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2
# See how those points are transformed by a matrix
a = 1
A = np.random.random((2, 2))*2*a - a   # uniform in [-a, a]
AX = A @ X
plt.scatter(AX[0,:], AX[1,:], c=C)
p = plt.axis('equal')
[[0.73023102 0.74591734]
 [0.55282818 0.42724491]]

Determinant and inverse#

The transformed space are expanded, shrunk, or flattened.
The determinant of a square matrix measures the expansion of the volume.
For a 2 by 2 matrix \(A = \left(\begin{array}{cc} a & b\\ c & d\end{array}\right)\),
the determinant is computed by

\[\det A = ad - bc.\]

You can use linalg.det() for any matrix.

A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

If \(\det A \ne 0\), a matrix is called regular, non-singular, or invertible.

The inverse \(A^{-1}\) of a square matrix \(A\) is defined as a matrix satisfying

\[ AX = XA = I \]

where \(I\) is the identity matrix.

Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
print( A @ Ainv)
print( Ainv @ A)
[[-2.   1. ]
 [ 1.5 -0.5]]
[[1.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00]
 [8.8817842e-16 1.0000000e+00]]
[[1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]
 [1.11022302e-16 1.00000000e+00]]

Solving linear algebraic equations#

Many problems are formed as a set of linear equations:

\[ a_{11}x_1 + a_{12}x_2 + \cdots + a_{1n}x_n = b_1 \]
\[ \vdots \]
\[ a_{m1}x_1 + a_{m2}x_2 + \cdots + a_{mn}x_n = b_m \]

This can be expressed by a matrix-vector equation

\[ A\b{x} =\b{b} \]


\[\begin{split} A = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} a_{11} & \cdots & a_{1n}\\ \vdots & & \vdots\\ a_{m1} & \cdots & a_{mn}\end{array}\right), \quad \b{x} = \left(\begin{array}{c} x_1\\ \vdots\\ x_n\end{array}\right), \quad \b{b} = \left(\begin{array}{c} b_1\\ \vdots\\ b_m\end{array}\right). \end{split}\]

If \(m=n\) and \(A\) is regular, the solution is given by

\[ \b{x} = A^{-1} \b{b}. \]
A = np.array([[1., 2], [3, 4]])
b = np.array([1, 0])
Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
print("Ainv =", Ainv)
x = Ainv @ b
print('x = Ainv b =', x)
print('Ax =', A @ x)
Ainv = [[-2.   1. ]
 [ 1.5 -0.5]]
x = Ainv b = [-2.   1.5]
Ax = [1.0000000e+00 8.8817842e-16]

If \(A^{-1}\) is used just once, it is more efficient to use a linear euqation solver function.

x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
print('x = ', x)
x =  [-2.   1.5]

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors#

With a transformation by a symmetric matrix \(A\), some vectors keep its own direction. Such a vector is called an eigenvector and its scaling coefficient is called the eigenvalue.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are derived by solving the equation

\[ A\b{x} = \lambda \b{x} \]

which is equivalent to \( A\b{x} - \lambda \b{x} = (A - \lambda I)\b{x} = 0.\)
Eigenvalues are derived by solving a polynomial equation

\[ \det (A - \lambda I) = 0 \]

You can use linalg.eig() function to numerically derive eigenvalues \(\b{\lambda} = (\lambda_1,...,\lambda_n)\) and a matrix of eigenvectors in columns \(V = (\b{v}_1,...,\b{v}_n)\).

A = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 0.5]])
lam, V = np.linalg.eig(A)
[[1.  2. ]
 [1.  0.5]]
[ 2.18614066 -0.68614066]
[[ 0.86011126 -0.76454754]
 [ 0.51010647  0.64456735]]
# colorful grid from above
AX = A @ X
plt.scatter(AX[0,:], AX[1,:], c=C)
# Plot eiven vectors scaled by eigen values
for i in range(2):
    plt.plot( [0, lam[i]*V[0,i]], [0, lam[i]*V[1,i]], 'o-', lw=3)
p = plt.axis('equal')


For a square matrix \(A\), consider a matrix consisting of its eigenvalues on the diagonal

\[ \Lambda = \mbox{diag}(\lambda_1, \cdots, \lambda_n) \]

and another matrix made of their eigenvectors in columns

\[ V = (\b{v}_1, \cdots, \b{v}_n). \]


\[\begin{split} AV = (\lambda_1 \b{v}_1, \cdots, \lambda_n \b{v}_n) = (\b{v}_1, \cdots, \b{v}_n) \mat{\lambda_1 & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & \lambda_n} = V \Lambda, \end{split}\]

if \(V\) is invertible, \(A\) can be represented as

\[ A = V \Lambda V^{-1}. \]

This representation of a matrix is called eigendecomposition or spectral decomposition.

This representation is extremely useful in multiplying \(A\) many times as

\[ A^k = V \Lambda^k V^{-1} = V \mbox{diag}(\lambda_1^k, \cdots, \lambda_n^k) V^{-1} \]

requires only exponentials in the diagonal terms rather than repeated matrix multiplications.

It also helps intuitive understanding of how a point \(\b{x}\) transformed by \(A\) many times as \(A\b{x}, A^2\b{x}, A^3\b{x},...\) would move.

Covariance matrix#

For \(m\) samples of \(n\)-dimensional variable \( \b{x} = (x_1,..., x_n)\) we usuall create a data matrix

\[\begin{split} X = \left(\begin{array}{ccc} x_1^1 & \cdots & x^1_n\\ \vdots & & \vdots\\ x^m_1 & \cdots & x^m_n\end{array}\right).\end{split}\]

The covariance \(c_{ij}\) of the components \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) represents how the two variables change together around the mean:

\[ \bar{x}_i = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{k=1}^m x_i^k \]
\[ c_{ij} = \frac{1}{m-1} \sum_{k=1}^m (x_i^k - \bar{x}_i)(x_j^k - \bar{x}_j) \]

The covariance matrix \(C\) consists of the covariances of all pairs of components

\[\begin{split} C = \begin{pmatrix} c_{11} & \cdots & c_{1n}\\ \vdots & & \vdots\\ c_{n1} & \cdots & c_{nn}\end{pmatrix} = \frac{1}{m-1} \sum_{k=1}^m (\b{x}^k - \bar{\b{x}})^T(\b{x}^k - \bar{\b{x}}) \end{split}\]

where \(\bar{x}\) is the mean vector

\[ \bar{\b{x}} = (\bar{x}_1,..., \bar{x}_n) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{j=1}^m \b{x}^k \]
# Read in the iris data
# X = np.loadtxt('data/iris.txt', delimiter=',')
# Y = X[:,-1]  # flower type
# X = X[:,:4]
from sklearn import datasets
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data
Y = iris.target
m, n = X.shape
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=Y, marker='.')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(X[:,2], X[:,3], c=Y, marker='.')
xbar = np.mean(X, axis=0)
print("xbar =", xbar)
dX = X - xbar  # deviation from the mean
C = (dX.T @ dX)/(m-1)
print("C =", C)
# or using the built-in function
np.cov(X, rowvar=False)
xbar = [5.84333333 3.05733333 3.758      1.19933333]
C = [[ 0.68569351 -0.042434    1.27431544  0.51627069]
 [-0.042434    0.18997942 -0.32965638 -0.12163937]
 [ 1.27431544 -0.32965638  3.11627785  1.2956094 ]
 [ 0.51627069 -0.12163937  1.2956094   0.58100626]]
array([[ 0.68569351, -0.042434  ,  1.27431544,  0.51627069],
       [-0.042434  ,  0.18997942, -0.32965638, -0.12163937],
       [ 1.27431544, -0.32965638,  3.11627785,  1.2956094 ],
       [ 0.51627069, -0.12163937,  1.2956094 ,  0.58100626]])

Principal component analysis (PCA)#

In taking a grasp of high-dimensional data, it is often useful to project the data onto a subspace where the data vary most.

To do that, we first take the covariance matrix \(C\) of the data, compute its eigenvalues \(\lambda_i\) and eigenvectors \(\b{v}_i\), and project the data onto the subspace spanned by the eigenvectors with largest eigenvalues.
The eigenvectors \(\b{v}_i\) of the covariance matrix is called principal component vectors, ordered by the magnitude of their eigenvalues.

Each data point \(\b{x}\) is projected to the principal component vectors \((\b{v}_1\cdot\b{x}, \b{v}_2\cdot\b{x},...)\) for visualization.

lam, V = np.linalg.eig(C)
print('lam, V = ', lam, V)
# it is not guaranteed that the eigenvalues are sorted, so sort them
ind = np.argsort(-lam)  # indices for sorting, descending order
lams = lam[ind]
Vs = V[:,ind]
print('lams, Vs = ', lams, Vs)
lam, V =  [4.22824171 0.24267075 0.0782095  0.02383509] [[ 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985  0.31548719]
 [-0.08452251 -0.73016143  0.59791083 -0.3197231 ]
 [ 0.85667061  0.17337266  0.07623608 -0.47983899]
 [ 0.3582892   0.07548102  0.54583143  0.75365743]]
lams, Vs =  [4.22824171 0.24267075 0.0782095  0.02383509] [[ 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985  0.31548719]
 [-0.08452251 -0.73016143  0.59791083 -0.3197231 ]
 [ 0.85667061  0.17337266  0.07623608 -0.47983899]
 [ 0.3582892   0.07548102  0.54583143  0.75365743]]

Let us see the principal component vectors in the original space.

zero = np.zeros(n)
# first two components
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(dX[:,0], dX[:,1], c=Y, marker='.')
for i in range(4):
    plt.plot( [0, lams[i]*Vs[0,i]], [0, lams[i]*Vs[1,i]], 'o-', lw=2)
plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlabel='X0', ylabel='X1')
# last two components
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(dX[:,2], dX[:,3], c=Y, marker='.')
for i in range(4):
    plt.plot( [0, lams[i]*Vs[2,i]], [0, lams[i]*Vs[3,i]], 'o-', lw=2)
plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlabel='X2', ylabel='X3')
plt.tight_layout()  # adjust space

Now let us project the 4D data onto the space spanned by the eigenvectors.

Z = dX @ Vs
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.scatter(Z[:,0], Z[:,1], c=Y, marker='.')
plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlabel='PC1', ylabel='PC2')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.scatter(Z[:,2], Z[:,3], c=Y, marker='.')
plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlabel='PC3', ylabel='PC4')
plt.tight_layout()  # adjust space

Singular value decomposition (SVD)#

For a \((m\times n)\) matrix \(A\), a non-negative value \(\sigma>0\) satisfying

\[ A \b{v} = \sigma \b{u}\]
\[ A^T \b{u} = \sigma \b{v}\]

for unit vectors \(||\b{u}||=||\b{v}||=1\) is called the singular value.
\(\b{u}\) and \(\b{v}\) are called left- and right-singular vectors.

Singular value decomposition (SVD) of a \((m\times n)\) matrix \(A\) is

\[ A = U S V^T = \sum_i \sigma_i \b{u}_i \b{v}_i^T \]

where \(S=\mbox{diag}(\sigma_1,...,\sigma_k)\) is a diagonal matrix made of \(k=\min(m,n)\) singular values,
\(U=(\b{u}_1,...,\b{u}_k)\) is a matrix made of orthogonal left-singular vectors, and \(V=(\b{v}_1,...,\b{v}_k)\) is a matrix made of orthogonal right-singular vectors.

SVD represents a matrix by a weighted sum of outer products of column vectors \(\b{u}_i\) and row vectors \(\b{v}_i\), such as spatial patterns mixed by different time courses.

A = np.array([[0,1,2,3,4], [5,4,3,2,1], [1,3,2,4,3]])
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)
#V = Vt.T
print(U, S, Vt)
U @ np.diag(S) @ Vt
[[0 1 2 3 4]
 [5 4 3 2 1]
 [1 3 2 4 3]]
[[-0.45492565  0.62035527 -0.63890687]
 [-0.65816895 -0.71750629 -0.22803148]
 [-0.59988023  0.3167713   0.7347106 ]] [9.99063921 4.76417727 1.22055035] [[-0.38943704 -0.48918213 -0.40879452 -0.50853961 -0.42815201]
 [-0.686532   -0.27273461 -0.05840793  0.35538947  0.56971614]
 [-0.33218358  0.53508568 -0.40349583  0.46377343 -0.47480808]]
array([[4.8756825e-15, 1.0000000e+00, 2.0000000e+00, 3.0000000e+00,
       [5.0000000e+00, 4.0000000e+00, 3.0000000e+00, 2.0000000e+00,
       [1.0000000e+00, 3.0000000e+00, 2.0000000e+00, 4.0000000e+00,
plt.title('A ='); plt.axis('off')
plt.title('U'); plt.axis('off')
plt.title('S'); plt.axis('off')
plt.title('V$^T$'); plt.axis('off');
k = 3
for i in range(k):
    plt.imshow(np.outer(U[:,i], Vt[i,:]))
    plt.title('$u_{0} v^T_{0}$'.format(i))


From \(X = U SV^T\) and the orthonormal construction of \(U\) and \(V\), we can see

\[C = \frac{1}{m-1}X^T X = \frac{1}{m-1}V S^2 V^T\]


\[C\b{v}_i = \frac{1}{m-1}\sigma_i^2\b{v}_i.\]

Thus columns of \(V\) are principal component vectors and \(\frac{\sigma_i^2}{m-1}\) are their eigenvalues.

# iris data
print('by covariance:', lams, Vs)  # computed by eig of covariance matrix
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(dX, full_matrices=False)
print('by SVD:', S**2/(m-1), Vt.T)
by covariance: [4.22824171 0.24267075 0.0782095  0.02383509] [[ 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985  0.31548719]
 [-0.08452251 -0.73016143  0.59791083 -0.3197231 ]
 [ 0.85667061  0.17337266  0.07623608 -0.47983899]
 [ 0.3582892   0.07548102  0.54583143  0.75365743]]
by SVD: [4.22824171 0.24267075 0.0782095  0.02383509] [[ 0.36138659 -0.65658877  0.58202985  0.31548719]
 [-0.08452251 -0.73016143 -0.59791083 -0.3197231 ]
 [ 0.85667061  0.17337266 -0.07623608 -0.47983899]
 [ 0.3582892   0.07548102 -0.54583143  0.75365743]]

Appendix: Eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix#

Let us take the simplest and the most important case of 2 by 2 matrix

\[\begin{split} A = \pmatrix{a & b \\ c & d}. \end{split}\]

We can analytically derive the eigenvalues from

\[ \det (A - \lambda I) = (a-\lambda)(d-\lambda) - bc = 0 \]


\[ \lambda = \frac{a+d}{2} \pm \sqrt{\frac{(a-d)^2}{4}+ bc}. \]

The corresponding eigenvectors are not unique, but given by, for example,

\[\begin{split} \b{x} = \mat{b \\ \lambda - a}. \end{split}\]

Real eigenvalues#

When \(\frac{(a-d)^2}{4}+ bc \ge 0\), \(A\) has two real eigenvalues \(\{\lambda_1, \lambda_2\}\) with corresponding eigenvectors \(\{ \b{v}_1, \b{v}_2 \}\)

The movement of a point \(\b{x}\) by \(A\) as \(A\b{x}, A^2\b{x}, A^3\b{x},...\) is composed of movements in the directions of the eigenvectors \(\{ \b{v}_1, \b{v}_2 \}\). It is convergent if \(|\lambda_i|<1\) and divergent if \(|\lambda_i|>1.\)

# take a 2x2 matrix
A = np.array([[1.5, 0.5], [1, 1]])
# check the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
L, V = np.linalg.eig(A)
print("L =", L)
print("V = ", V)
# take a point and see how it moves
K = 7  # steps
x = np.zeros((2, K))
x[:,0] = [-2, 5]
for k in range(K-1):
    x[:,k+1] = A @ x[:,k]  # x_{k+1} = A x_k
# plot the trajectory
plt.plot( x[0], x[1], 'o-')
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel("x1"); plt.ylabel("x2");
# In the eigenspace
y = np.zeros((2, K))
y[:,0] = np.linalg.inv(V) @ x[:,0] # map to eigenspace
for k in range(K-1):
    y[:,k+1] = L*y[:,k]  # z_{k+1} = L z_k
plt.plot( y[0], y[1], 'r+-')
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel("v1"); plt.ylabel("v2");
# Conver back to the original space
xv = (V @ y).real
plt.plot( xv[0], xv[1], 'r+')
plt.tight_layout();  # adjust the space
L = [2.  0.5]
V =  [[ 0.70710678 -0.4472136 ]
 [ 0.70710678  0.89442719]]

Complex eigenvalues#

When \(\frac{(a-d)^2}{4}+ bc < 0\), \(A\) has a pair of complex eigenvalues

\[ \lambda_1 = \alpha + i\beta \mbox{ and } \lambda_2 = \alpha - i\beta \]


\[ \alpha = \frac{a+d}{2} \mbox{ and } \beta^2 = -\frac{(a-d)^2}{4}- bc \]

with corresponding eigenvectors

\[ V = (\b{v}_1, \b{v}_2) = (\b{u}+i\b{w}, \b{u}-i\b{w}).\]

By eigendecomposition \( A = V \Lambda V^{-1}, \) a point \(\b{x}\) is converted to points in a complex plane and multiplied by a complex eigenvalue, which means rotation and scaling. Points in the complex plane are then converted back in a real vector space by multiplication with \(V\).

To see the rotation and scaling more explicitly, we can represent \(\Lambda=\mat{\alpha+i\beta & 0 \\ 0 & \alpha-i\beta}\) as

\[\Lambda = U R U^{-1}\]

where \(R\) is

\[\begin{split} R = \mat{\alpha & -\beta \\ \beta & \alpha} = \mat{r\cos\theta & -r\sin\theta \\ r\sin\theta & r\cos\theta }.\end{split}\]

Here \(r=|\lambda|=\sqrt{\alpha^2+\beta^2}\) is the scaling factor and \(\theta\) is the angle of rotation.

We can choose \(U\) as

\[\begin{split} U = \frac{1}{2}\mat{1 & i \\ 1 & -i} \end{split}\]

such that \(VU = (\b{u}, -\b{w})\).

Then we have another decomposition of \(A\) as

\[\begin{split} A = V \Lambda V^{-1} = V URU^{-1} V^{-1} = (\b{u}, -\b{w}) \mat{r\cos\theta & -r\sin\theta \\ r\sin\theta & r\cos\theta} (\b{u}, -\b{w})^{-1} \end{split}\]
# take a 2x2 matrix
A = np.array([[1, -1], [1, 0.5]])
# check the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
L, V = np.linalg.eig(A)
print("L =", L)
print("V = ", V)
# take a point and see how it moves
K = 7  # steps
x = np.zeros((2, K))
x[:,0] = [1, 0]
for k in range(K-1):
    x[:,k+1] = A @ x[:,k]  # x_{k+1} = A x_k
# plot the trajectory
plt.plot( x[0], x[1], 'o-')
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel("x1"); plt.ylabel("x2");
# In the eigenspace
z = np.zeros((2, K), dtype=complex)
z[:,0] = np.linalg.inv(V) @ x[:,0]
for k in range(K-1):
    z[:,k+1] = L*z[:,k]  # z_{k+1} = L z_k
plt.plot( z[0].real, z[0].imag, 'r+-')
plt.plot( z[1].real, z[1].imag, 'm+-')
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel("Real"); plt.ylabel("Imag");
# In the cos-sin space
VU = np.c_[V[:,0].real, -V[:,0].imag]
R = np.array([[L[0].real, -L[0].imag], [L[0].imag, L[0].real]])
print("R =", R)
print("VU =", VU) 
y = np.zeros((2, K))
y[:,0] = np.linalg.inv(VU) @ x[:,0]
for k in range(K-1):
    y[:,k+1] = R @ y[:,k]  # y_{k+1} = R y_k
plt.plot( y[0], y[1], 'g*-')
plt.axis('square'); plt.xlabel("u"); plt.ylabel("-w");
# Conver back to the original space
xc = (V @ z).real
xr = VU @ y
plt.plot( xr[0], xr[1], 'g*')
plt.plot( xc[0], xc[1], 'r+')
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1.5, 1]);  # fit in extra width
L = [0.75+0.96824584j 0.75-0.96824584j]
V =  [[-0.70710678+0.j        -0.70710678-0.j       ]
 [-0.1767767 +0.6846532j -0.1767767 -0.6846532j]]
R = [[ 0.75       -0.96824584]
 [ 0.96824584  0.75      ]]
VU = [[-0.70710678 -0.        ]
 [-0.1767767  -0.6846532 ]]

The trajectory in the complex space or the \((\b{u},-\b{w})\) space is a regular spirals, which is mapped to a skewed spiral in the original space.