New GBreaksToMatrix() function to apply image processing approaches on scrambling patterns.
New keepLongestPair() function to focus on the longest sequence feature in each genome.
New wholeGenomeClassification() function to classify isolated alignments, collinear alignments, bridge regions and breakpoint regions.
GenomicBreaks 0.14.1
Bug fixes
Correct a 1-nt shift in minus-strand coordinates of the query genome of GBreaks objects loaded from MAF files. This shift could cause overlapping ranges that crashed the coalescing algorithm.
bridgeRegions() now returns empty GBreaks objects if no bridge region was found. Closes issue #20.
Allow makeOxfordPlots() to work on genomes larger than the maximum 32-bit integer. Closes issue #24.
New functionalities
New flipInversions() function to remove detected inversions before searching for nested ones.
The load_genomic_breaks() function gains support for files in the Multiple Alignment Format (MAF).
GenomicBreaks 0.13.1
New functionalities
The makeOxfordPlots() function gains a col argument for choosing to color by strand or by score.
Bug fixes
In makeOxfordPlots(), the sequence names are now centered on their region.
GenomicBreaks 0.13.0
Important bug fixes
The flagColinearAlignments() and coalesce_contigs() functions were corrected so that strandless ranges are called colinear when they satisfy the conditions on any strand. Before, they would be treated like plus-strand ranges, causing failure to detect colinearity on the minus strand.
New functionalities
New getSeq() method for GRanges and GBreaks objects that have proper seqinfo for an installed BSgenome package.
makeOxfordPlots() includes strand information in the returned object.
New type = 'none' option for makeOxfordPlots(), for better customisation.
GenomicBreaks 0.12.1
The plotApairOfChrs() function now plots the name of the selected sequence levels instead of target and query. The labels can be overriden with the dna_seg_labels parameters. Closes issue #6.
New defaults for makeOxfordPlots(): fixed-ratio line plot with round ends and size of 1. Axis labels are now “target” and “query” by default. In any case, Seqname is displayed instead of genome name if there is only one sequence in the ranges object.
New isSorted() method to properly test with ignore.strand set to TRUE.
Default plotApairOfChrs() to the first sequence level of the GBreaks object.
plotApairOfChrs() now renders regions as blocks and not arrows as the strand information is encoded in the color and shape of the comparison bands. It also plots in light blue the blocks that are not matched. Closes issues #3 and #5.
Added example data, see ?StructuralVariants and `vignette(“Structural Variants”, package = “GenomicBreaks”) for details.