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The GenomicBreaks R package contains tools for visualising and analysing characteristics associated with breakpoints between pairs of genomes.

Load pacakges

By loading GenomicBreaks, the GenomicRanges package is automatically loaded too. But we have to load ggplot2 if we want to customise the output of the plotting functions of GenomicBreaks.

We will use yeast data as an example. The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is available in Bioconductor so let’s load its BSgenome package. After loading a Scerevisiae object is invisibly exported.

library("BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3") |> suppressPackageStartupMessages()

Example data

This package contains example data files representing the alignment of two closely related Saccharomyces yeast genomes, and of two more distantly related homologous chromosomes of Sordariomycetes filamentous fungi.

Saccharomyces cerevisiaeS. paradoxus

Alignment of the Saccharomyces paradoxus genome version ASM207905v1 to the SacCer3 reference genome of S. cerevisiae, produced with the Nextflow pairwise alignment pipeline and converted to GFF3 format with the maf-convert gff -J 1000000 command of the LAST package.

Note that the since GenomicBreaks can also load alignments in MAF format directly, (see load_genomic_breaks()) you usually do not need to convert the pipeline output to GFF3 format.

exdata_Sac <- system.file("extdata/SacCer3__SacPar.gff3.gz", package = "GenomicBreaks")

Neurospora crassa chromosome III – Podospora comata chromosome 7

Alignment of the Neurospora crassa genome version NC12 downloaded from ENSEMBL 52, to the Podospora comata genome version ASM1735489v1 downloaded from GenBank, produce with the same commands as above. The alignment was then filtered to reduce the size and complexity of the example data, by retaining only the matches between chromosome III and chromosome 7 (CP071499).

exdata_Neu <- system.file("extdata/NeuCra__PodCom.III__7.gff3.gz", package = "GenomicBreaks")

GBreaks objects

Pairwise genome alignments are loaded in GBreaks() objects that wrap the GRanges class. By convention, we write that the query genome (the one that was provided as a FASTA file) is aligned to the target genome (the one that was indexed by the aligner). The target genome (on the left) is the main part of the object, and the query genome information (right) is contained in the metadata columns (mcols) of the structure. Information on contig or scaffold length is optionaly loaded from BSgenome objects, from which seqinfo data is extracted and passed to the GRanges. By convention, strand information of the alignment is held by the target GRanges, and the query GRanges are strandless. The objects are sorted by seqname first.

gb <- load_genomic_breaks(exdata_Sac, Scerevisiae)
## GBreaks object with 505 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##         seqnames      ranges strand |     score                   query
##            <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>               <GRanges>
##     [1]     chrI  5860-10010      + |     10609  NC_047487.1:8723-12716
##     [2]     chrI 11157-11782      + |      1253 NC_047487.1:13035-13680
##     [3]     chrI 25371-26528      + |      3651 NC_047487.1:15380-16537
##     [4]     chrI 26849-29699      + |      6130 NC_047487.1:17263-20175
##     [5]     chrI 29937-30607      + |       767 NC_047487.1:20203-20866
##     ...      ...         ...    ... .       ...                     ...
##   [501]     chrM 67039-67870      + |      1441   NC_018044.1:7758-8439
##   [502]     chrM 68205-68580      + |       830   NC_018044.1:8783-9180
##   [503]     chrM 69178-76168      + |     14528  NC_018044.1:9650-16261
##   [504]     chrM 77356-80022      + |      8066 NC_018044.1:53206-55865
##   [505]     chrM 80919-85779      + |      6712 NC_018044.1:57885-61592
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
## GRanges object with 505 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##            seqnames      ranges strand
##               <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
##     [1] NC_047487.1  8723-12716      *
##     [2] NC_047487.1 13035-13680      *
##     [3] NC_047487.1 15380-16537      *
##     [4] NC_047487.1 17263-20175      *
##     [5] NC_047487.1 20203-20866      *
##     ...         ...         ...    ...
##   [501] NC_018044.1   7758-8439      *
##   [502] NC_018044.1   8783-9180      *
##   [503] NC_018044.1  9650-16261      *
##   [504] NC_018044.1 53206-55865      *
##   [505] NC_018044.1 57885-61592      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
# No BSgenome available for N. crassa and P. comata.
# This data does not contain match_part entries, so set the type parameter.
gb_Neu <- load_genomic_breaks(exdata_Neu, type = "match")

Maniuplation of GBreaks objects with plyranges

With the plyranges Bioconductor package it is easy to manipulate GBreaks objects, in particular when filtering on features of the query genome. This package is not automatically installed; so you may need to do it yourself.

# BiocManager::install('plyranges')

# Subset for chrI on the target genome.
gb |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "chrI")
## GBreaks object with 22 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames        ranges strand |     score                     query
##           <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>                 <GRanges>
##    [1]     chrI    5860-10010      + |     10609    NC_047487.1:8723-12716
##    [2]     chrI   11157-11782      + |      1253   NC_047487.1:13035-13680
##    [3]     chrI   25371-26528      + |      3651   NC_047487.1:15380-16537
##    [4]     chrI   26849-29699      + |      6130   NC_047487.1:17263-20175
##    [5]     chrI   29937-30607      + |       767   NC_047487.1:20203-20866
##    ...      ...           ...    ... .       ...                       ...
##   [18]     chrI 197472-198417      + |       644 NC_047487.1:187015-188000
##   [19]     chrI 198484-200975      + |      9880 NC_047487.1:192875-195376
##   [20]     chrI 200976-204211      + |     11801 NC_047487.1:195559-198812
##   [21]     chrI 205647-208058      + |      8709 NC_047494.1:515228-517518
##   [22]     chrI 224773-227362      + |     11047 NC_047487.1:224711-227317
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
# Subset for NC_047487.1 on the query genome
gb |> plyranges::filter(seqnames(query) == "NC_047487.1")
## GBreaks object with 24 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames        ranges strand |     score                     query
##           <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>                 <GRanges>
##    [1]     chrI    5860-10010      + |     10609    NC_047487.1:8723-12716
##    [2]     chrI   11157-11782      + |      1253   NC_047487.1:13035-13680
##    [3]     chrI   25371-26528      + |      3651   NC_047487.1:15380-16537
##    [4]     chrI   26849-29699      + |      6130   NC_047487.1:17263-20175
##    [5]     chrI   29937-30607      + |       767   NC_047487.1:20203-20866
##    ...      ...           ...    ... .       ...                       ...
##   [20]     chrI 200976-204211      + |     11801 NC_047487.1:195559-198812
##   [21]     chrI 224773-227362      + |     11047 NC_047487.1:224711-227317
##   [22]   chrVII 402974-403256      + |       730 NC_047487.1:179771-180020
##   [23]  chrVIII 527711-528802      + |      3617 NC_047487.1:202798-203906
##   [24]  chrVIII 530396-533532      + |      6424 NC_047487.1:205275-208524
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
# Add or modify columns on the fly
gb |> plyranges::mutate("Width" = width) |> head(3)
## GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames      ranges strand |     score                   query     Width
##          <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>               <GRanges> <integer>
##   [1]     chrI  5860-10010      + |     10609  NC_047487.1:8723-12716      4151
##   [2]     chrI 11157-11782      + |      1253 NC_047487.1:13035-13680       626
##   [3]     chrI 25371-26528      + |      3651 NC_047487.1:15380-16537      1158
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
gb |> plyranges::mutate("score" = width) |> head(3)
## GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames      ranges strand |     score                   query
##          <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>               <GRanges>
##   [1]     chrI  5860-10010      + |      4151  NC_047487.1:8723-12716
##   [2]     chrI 11157-11782      + |       626 NC_047487.1:13035-13680
##   [3]     chrI 25371-26528      + |      1158 NC_047487.1:15380-16537
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
# Etc…

See the vignette of plyranges for more details.

Subsetting with core Bioconductor functions

Some core Bioconductor functions from the GenomicRanges package have been adapted to work on GBreaks objects.

The ?%in% operator returns a TRUE or FALSE value per element in its first argument if they match in the second argument. Here is a toy example:

gb[4:5] %in% gb
## [1] TRUE TRUE

For ?subsetByOverlaps, one match on either the target or the query genome is enough.

gb |> subsetByOverlaps(GRanges("chrI:200000-240000"))
## GBreaks object with 4 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames        ranges strand |     score                     query
##          <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>                 <GRanges>
##   [1]     chrI 198484-200975      + |      9880 NC_047487.1:192875-195376
##   [2]     chrI 200976-204211      + |     11801 NC_047487.1:195559-198812
##   [3]     chrI 205647-208058      + |      8709 NC_047494.1:515228-517518
##   [4]     chrI 224773-227362      + |     11047 NC_047487.1:224711-227317
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
gb |> subsetByOverlaps(GBreaks( target = GRanges("chrI:200000-240000")
                              ,  query = GRanges("NC_047494.1:200000-800000")))
## GBreaks object with 14 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames        ranges strand |     score                     query
##           <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>                 <GRanges>
##    [1]     chrI 198484-200975      + |      9880 NC_047487.1:192875-195376
##    [2]     chrI 200976-204211      + |     11801 NC_047487.1:195559-198812
##    [3]     chrI 205647-208058      + |      8709 NC_047494.1:515228-517518
##    [4]     chrI 224773-227362      + |     11047 NC_047487.1:224711-227317
##    [5]  chrVIII 214336-237947      + |     98269 NC_047494.1:199224-222890
##    ...      ...           ...    ... .       ...                       ...
##   [10]  chrVIII 392227-463918      + |    286060 NC_047494.1:377750-449530
##   [11]  chrVIII 463919-466794      + |     11508 NC_047494.1:449874-452585
##   [12]  chrVIII 466808-520394      + |    223091 NC_047494.1:452922-506473
##   [13]  chrVIII 520644-523428      + |      5768 NC_047494.1:506784-509589
##   [14]  chrVIII 523430-526473      + |      5029 NC_047494.1:509966-512985
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome


If the positions of the centromeres are known, an annotation file can be crafted to indicate the coordinates of the short and long arms, and the function flagLongShort() can be used to transfer this annotation to the GBreaks object.

annot <- GRanges(c("chrI:1-151465", "chrI:151582-230218"))
annot$Type <- c("short", "long")
flagLongShort(gb, annot)
## GBreaks object with 505 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##         seqnames      ranges strand |     score                   query
##            <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>               <GRanges>
##     [1]     chrI  5860-10010      + |     10609  NC_047487.1:8723-12716
##     [2]     chrI 11157-11782      + |      1253 NC_047487.1:13035-13680
##     [3]     chrI 25371-26528      + |      3651 NC_047487.1:15380-16537
##     [4]     chrI 26849-29699      + |      6130 NC_047487.1:17263-20175
##     [5]     chrI 29937-30607      + |       767 NC_047487.1:20203-20866
##     ...      ...         ...    ... .       ...                     ...
##   [501]     chrM 67039-67870      + |      1441   NC_018044.1:7758-8439
##   [502]     chrM 68205-68580      + |       830   NC_018044.1:8783-9180
##   [503]     chrM 69178-76168      + |     14528  NC_018044.1:9650-16261
##   [504]     chrM 77356-80022      + |      8066 NC_018044.1:53206-55865
##   [505]     chrM 80919-85779      + |      6712 NC_018044.1:57885-61592
##              Arm
##         <factor>
##     [1]    short
##     [2]    short
##     [3]    short
##     [4]    short
##     [5]    short
##     ...      ...
##   [501]       NA
##   [502]       NA
##   [503]       NA
##   [504]       NA
##   [505]       NA
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome

Measures of distance

Synteny index

Ad-hoc index measuring to what extent a scaffold of the target genome is mostly aligned to a single scaffold in the query genome. See ?synteny_index for details. One limitation to the use of this index is that it requires that at least the query genome is a complete chromosome assembly.

## [1] 0.9954872
## [1] 0.9954982


Ad-hoc index measuring the correlation of the coordinates of the syntenic alignments in scaffolds of a target genome and their best match in the query genome. See ?correlation_index for details. This index is more robust to the presence of uncollapsed haplotypes in the query genome.

## [1] 0.9942222
## [1] 0.9946129
## [1] -0.7223019

Gene Order Conservation

The GOC() function calcluates the Gene Order Conservation number defined by Rocha (2003, as “the average number of orthologues for which the consecutive orthologue co-occurs close by in the other genome. It varies between 0 (no co-occurrence) and 1 (complete gene order conservation)”.

Note that calculating GOC on whole-genome alignments is not expected to produce meaningful results, and the example below is just to show that the computation is possible. This function is more useful when comparing the position of orthologues, represented in a GBreaks object.

## [1] 0.9227557
## [1] 0.9123173
## [1] 0.5137363

Strand randomisation index

The ?strand_randomisation_index tends towards zero when within each feature of the target genome there are as many bases aligned to the plus and on the minus strands. It tends towards 1 when within each feature most bases are aligned to the same strand.

## [1] 0.989879
## [1] 0.01298783

Coalescing alignments

Large syntenic regions can often appear cluttered with alignment breaks, spanning just a few basepairs. They are either an artefact (for instance in case of incomplete purge of haplotypes) and or true breakpoint. The algorithm in coalesce_contigs() is used to produce a new GRanges object with fewer alignment breaks by coalescing alignments separated by short (user specified) distances. This distance need be agreeable in both the target and query genome in order for the coalescion to happen.

For example, coalescing gaps of less than 500 basepairs in the gb alignment:

coa <- coalesce_contigs(gb)
## [1] 505
## [1] 88

The resulting GBreaks object has far fewer alignments and therefore far fewer alignment stops. The algorithm is an initial step in alignment stop filtering, with the goal of a reduced number of alignment stops that have a high probability of being breakpoints.

Genome plots with genoPlotR

Plotting alignments versus plotting coalesced regions

To visualise synteny it is clearer to plot from the coalseced objects.

plotApairOfChrs(gb,  "chrI", main = "S. cerevisiae / S. paradoxus")

plotApairOfChrs(coa, "chrI", main = "S. cerevisiae / S. paradoxus")

Flipping a chromosome

In the genome sequences of N. crassa and P. comata, the homologous chromosomes III and 7 have been assembled on reverse orientations. It is possible to “reverse-complement” a sequence feature with the ?reverse function of GenomicBreaks. To reverse-complement a sequence, one needs to know its length. When this information is not available in the seqlengths slot of the object, the GenomicBreaks function ?forceSeqLengths can be used to estimate it based on the coordinate of the most distal alignment.

plotApairOfChrs(gb_Neu, main = "Neurospora crassa chrIII / Podospora comata chr7")

gb_Neu |> forceSeqLengths() |> reverse(query = TRUE) |>
  plotApairOfChrs(main = "Neurospora crassa chrIII / Podospora comata chr7 (rev-complemented)")

“Oxford” dot plots

The function makeOxfordPlots() outputs “Oxford” macrosynteny plots in which all the sequence levels are merged.

makeOxfordPlots(gb_Neu, col = "strand") +
  ggtitle("N. crassa chrIII vs P. comata chr7 “Oxford” plot")

The plots are ggplot2 objects that can be further customised. Also, when there is only one sequence levels in the target or query genomes, their name is displayed, and addition of numeric scales show meaningful coordinates.

makeOxfordPlots(gb |> plyranges::filter(seqnames        == "chrI",
                                        seqnames(query) == "NC_047487.1")) +
  scale_x_continuous() + scale_y_continuous() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  ggtitle("sacCer3 vs sacPar “Oxford” plot")
## Scale for x is already present.
## Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
## Scale for y is already present.
## Adding another scale for y, which will replace the existing scale.

Pass type = 'none' to receive a ggplot object with no layer, that you can customise at wish.

Genomic sequences

You can retrieve the genomic sequences of the ranges in the GBreaks objects provided that a BSgenome packages are available and were indicated at load time.

## DNAStringSet object of length 505:
##        width seq
##   ...    ... ...

Trivial translocations


Remember that we are working with one-to-one alignments. Therefore deletions, insertions and as a consequence copy number variations, are not in the aligned regions. Nevertheless, we can detect translocations from one chromosomal region to another. We define them by alignment pairs that interrupt the colinearity between two other pairs, and that are not inversions.


The translocation below:

│ chrA:101-200 │ chrA:201-300 │ chrA:301-400 │ (Target genome)
      +               +             +         (Alignment direction)
│ chrB:101-200 │ chrC:201-300 │ chrB:301-400 │ (Query genome)

Is represented as:

## GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |        query
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <GRanges>
##   [1]     chrA   100-200      + | chrB:100-200
##   [2]     chrA   201-300      + | chrC:201-300
##   [3]     chrA   301-400      + | chrB:301-400
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome

See vignette("StructuralVariants", package = "GenomicBreaks") for other examples of translocations.

Note also that without an outgroup it is not possible to know in which genome the move happened.


## GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |        query   tra
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <GRanges> <Rle>
##   [1]     chrA   100-200      + | chrB:100-200  TRUE
##   [2]     chrA   201-300      + | chrC:201-300 FALSE
##   [3]     chrA   301-400      + | chrB:301-400 FALSE
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome
## GBreaks object with 32 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##      seqnames        ranges strand |                     query     score   tra
##         <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |                 <GRanges> <integer> <Rle>
##    1     chrI   5860-184523      + |   NC_047487.1:8723-169504    178664  TRUE
##    2     chrI 184533-184781      + | NC_047487.1:176430-176696       249  TRUE
##    3     chrI 185343-187499      + | NC_047487.1:170368-174401      2157 FALSE
##    4     chrI 187502-189195      + | NC_047487.1:177293-179769      1694 FALSE
##   12   chrIII 151968-168384      + | NC_047489.1:179584-195977     16417  TRUE
##   ..      ...           ...    ... .                       ...       ...   ...
##   64   chrXIV 777507-778973      - |   NC_047491.1:15022-16471      1467 FALSE
##   65   chrXIV 778976-781047      + | NC_047500.1:768251-770345      2072 FALSE
##   72    chrXV 855061-968849      + | NC_047501.1:832989-947263    113789  TRUE
##   73    chrXV 969434-970268      - | NC_047501.1:953757-954546       835 FALSE
##   74    chrXV 976413-980862      + | NC_047501.1:948879-953466      4450 FALSE
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
plotApairOfChrs(coa, chrT = "chrI", xlim = gb2xlim(coa[2:4]))

Trivial inversions

See vignette("StructuralVariants", package = "GenomicBreaks") for definitions.

Number of trivial inversions

More inversions are found after coalescing colinear blocks because of situations where + - + was + - - + before collapsing.

## GBreaks object with 88 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##        seqnames        ranges strand |                     query     score
##           <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |                 <GRanges> <integer>
##    [1]     chrI   5860-184523      + |   NC_047487.1:8723-169504    178664
##    [2]     chrI 184533-184781      + | NC_047487.1:176430-176696       249
##    [3]     chrI 185343-187499      + | NC_047487.1:170368-174401      2157
##    [4]     chrI 187502-189195      + | NC_047487.1:177293-179769      1694
##    [5]     chrI 189813-204211      + | NC_047487.1:180061-198812     14399
##    ...      ...           ...    ... .                       ...       ...
##   [84]     chrM     6313-9737      - |   NC_018044.1:62854-65728      3425
##   [85]     chrM   12828-50712      + |   NC_018044.1:22453-53190     37885
##   [86]     chrM   56625-57960      + |   NC_018044.1:70280-71345      1336
##   [87]     chrM   58008-76168      + |       NC_018044.1:1-16261     18161
##   [88]     chrM   77356-85779      + |   NC_018044.1:53206-61592      8424
##          inv
##        <Rle>
##    [1] FALSE
##    [2] FALSE
##    [3] FALSE
##    [4] FALSE
##    [5] FALSE
##    ...   ...
##   [84] FALSE
##   [85] FALSE
##   [86] FALSE
##   [87] FALSE
##   [88] FALSE
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
## GBreaks object with 12 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##      seqnames         ranges strand |                      query     score
##         <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle> |                  <GRanges> <integer>
##   10   chrIII   11513-149405      + |   NC_047489.1:41910-177147    137893
##   11   chrIII  149866-151360      - |  NC_047489.1:178201-178974      1495
##   12   chrIII  151968-168384      + |  NC_047489.1:179584-195977     16417
##   34   chrVII   10270-110708      + |   NC_047493.1:11332-110230    100439
##   35   chrVII  112352-121552      - |  NC_047493.1:111748-121071      9201
##   ..      ...            ...    ... .                        ...       ...
##   39   chrVII  823466-828795      - |  NC_047493.1:792155-797486      5330
##   40   chrVII 828909-1076119      + | NC_047493.1:799044-1046538    247211
##   52     chrX   19114-354004      + |   NC_047496.1:12159-351096    334891
##   53     chrX  355632-374591      - |  NC_047496.1:353062-371883     18960
##   54     chrX  374938-727499      + |  NC_047496.1:373079-722743    352562
##        inv
##      <Rle>
##   10  TRUE
##   11 FALSE
##   12 FALSE
##   34  TRUE
##   35 FALSE
##   ..   ...
##   39 FALSE
##   40 FALSE
##   52  TRUE
##   53 FALSE
##   54 FALSE
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
showInversions(flagInversions(coa)) |> plyranges::slice(1:3)   |> plotApairOfChrs()

showInversions(flagInversions(coa)) |> plyranges::slice(4:9)   |> plotApairOfChrs()

showInversions(flagInversions(coa)) |> plyranges::slice(10:12) |> plotApairOfChrs()

Classification of the genomic regions of a genome by alignment properties.

We can classify aligned genomic regions as isolated or collinear, and unaligned regions as breakpoint or bridge regions. The bridge regions are always flanked by collinear alignments and the isolated alignments are always flanked by breakpoint regions.

wgo <- wholeGenomeClassification(gb, coa)
## GRanges object with 981 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##         seqnames      ranges strand |                type
##            <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle> |            <factor>
##     [1]     chrI  5860-10010      + | collinear alignment
##     [2]     chrI 10011-11156      + | bridge region      
##     [3]     chrI 11157-11782      + | collinear alignment
##     [4]     chrI 11783-25370      + | bridge region      
##     [5]     chrI 25371-26528      + | collinear alignment
##     ...      ...         ...    ... .                 ...
##   [977]     chrM 69178-76168      + | collinear alignment
##   [978]     chrM 76169-77355      * | breakpoint region  
##   [979]     chrM 77356-80022      + | collinear alignment
##   [980]     chrM 80023-80918      + | bridge region      
##   [981]     chrM 80919-85779      + | collinear alignment
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
##  isolated alignment collinear alignment   breakpoint region       bridge region 
##                  46                 459                  70                 406