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Flag ranges that start a triplet that would be colinear if the central pair were aligned to the opposite strand.


flagInversions(gb, tol = Inf)



A GBreaks() object.


Tolerance window for the distance between two ranges.


Returns the GBreaks object with an extra inv metadata column.


Here is a trivial example of an inversion.

│ chrA:101-200 │ chrA:201-300 │ chrA:301-400 │ (Target genome)
       +               -             +         (Alignment direction)
│ chrB:101-200 │ chrB:201-300 │ chrB:301-400 │ (Query genome)


#> GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames    ranges strand |        query   inv
#>          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <GRanges> <Rle>
#>   [1]     chrA   100-190      + | chrB:100-190  TRUE
#>   [2]     chrA   210-291      - | chrB:210-291 FALSE
#>   [3]     chrA   301-400      + | chrB:301-400 FALSE
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome
flagInversions(exampleInversion, tol = 19)
#> GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames    ranges strand |        query   inv
#>          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <GRanges> <Rle>
#>   [1]     chrA   100-190      + | chrB:100-190 FALSE
#>   [2]     chrA   210-291      - | chrB:210-291 FALSE
#>   [3]     chrA   301-400      + | chrB:301-400 FALSE
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome

flagInversions(exampleInversion |> reverse() |> sort(ignore.strand = TRUE))
#> GBreaks object with 3 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames    ranges strand |        query   inv
#>          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <GRanges> <Rle>
#>   [1]     chrA   201-300      - | chrB:301-400  TRUE
#>   [2]     chrA   310-391      + | chrB:210-291 FALSE
#>   [3]     chrA   411-501      - | chrB:100-190 FALSE
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome
plotApairOfChrs(exampleInversion |> reverse())