knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE,
                      dev    = c('png', 'svg'),
                      fig.ext= c('png', 'svg'),
                      fig.width  = 10,
                      fig.height = 10)


This vignette produces a scaffolding guide to be used with the AOM-5 genome for plotting purposes.

Load R pacakges and data

## Warning in runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package): input string
## 'Génoscope' cannot be translated from 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' to UTF-8, but is valid
## UTF-8

## Warning in runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package): input string
## 'Génoscope' cannot be translated from 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' to UTF-8, but is valid
## UTF-8


Helper functions

# Helper function to flip many contigs at once.
flipContigsForOxfordPlot <- function(gb, flip_which=NULL) {
  grl <- split(gb, seqnames(gb$query))
  grl <- endoapply(grl, function(s) {
    if( ! identical(unique(as.character(seqnames(s$query))), character(0)) ) {
      if(unique(seqnames(s$query)) %in% flip_which ) {
        s <- GenomicBreaks::reverse(s, query=TRUE)
  ogb <- unlist(grl) |> unname()

# Let's remove the contigs that have their main match elsewhere.
QTcoverage <- function(gb) {
  stopifnot (length(seqlevels(gb)) == 1) # Not ready for full objects
  stopifnot (!any($query))))
  grl <- split(gb, seqnames(gb$query))
  lapply(grl, \(gb) sum(width(gb$query))) |> unlist() / seqlengths(gb$query)


Let’s dig in to each chromosome and try to flip Aomori appropriately.

Osa_Aom_Chr1 <- gbs$Osa_Aom |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "Chr1")
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr1)       <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr1)
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query)
makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_Chr1, col='strand') + ggtitle("Everything from AOM-5 that matches OSKA's Chr1")

Let’s remove the contigs that have their main match elsewhere.

  seqnames(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query) %in%
  seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query)[QTcoverage(Osa_Aom_Chr1) < 0.5]
  ] <- NULL
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query)
# Some of the remaining bits are not very helpful either, so let's drop them.
Osa_Aom_Chr1 <- Osa_Aom_Chr1[seqnames(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query)!='contig_31_1']
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr1$query)
makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_Chr1, col='strand') + ggtitle("Main hits from AOM-5 to OSKA's Chr1")

Let’s flip things around a little to get things as linear as they can be:

makeOxfordPlots(flipContigsForOxfordPlot(Osa_Aom_Chr1, flip_which = c('contig_48_1', 'contig_1_1', 'contig_39_1', 'contig_32_1')), col='strand')  + ggtitle("AOM-5 contigs scaffolded and reoriented to Chr1")

Chr1 is:

# c('contig_46_1', 'contig_2_1',      rev('contig_48_1'), 
#   'contig_5_1',  rev('contig_1_1'), 'contig_3_1',
#   rev('contig_39_1'), rev('contig_32_1'))


Osa_Aom_Chr2 <- gbs$Osa_Aom |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "Chr2")
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr2)       <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr2)
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query)

makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_Chr2, col='strand') + ggtitle("Everything from AOM-5 that matches OSKA's Chr2")

Let’s remove the contigs that have their main match elsewhere.

Osa_Aom_Chr2[seqnames(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query) %in% seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query)[QTcoverage(Osa_Aom_Chr2) < 0.5]] <- NULL
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_Chr2$query)
makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_Chr2, col='strand') + ggtitle("Main hits from AOM-5 to OSKA's Chr2")

Let’s flip things around a little to get things as linear as they can be:

makeOxfordPlots( flipContigsForOxfordPlot(Osa_Aom_Chr2, flip_which = c('contig_44_1', 'contig_42_1', 'contig_23_1', 'contig_45_1')), col='strand') + ggtitle("AOM-5 contigs scaffolded and reoriented to Chr2")

# Chr2 is:
# c(rev('contig_44_1'), rev('contig_42_1'), rev('contig_23_1'), 'contig_22_1', rev('contig_45_1'))


Osa_Aom_PAR <- gbs$Osa_Aom |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "PAR")
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_PAR)       <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_PAR)
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_PAR$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_PAR$query)

makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_PAR, col='strand') + ggtitle("Everything from AOM-5 that matches OSKA's PAR")

Let’s remove the contigs that have their main match elsewhere.

Osa_Aom_PAR[seqnames(Osa_Aom_PAR$query) %in% seqlevels(Osa_Aom_PAR$query)[QTcoverage(Osa_Aom_PAR) < 0.5]] <- NULL
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_PAR$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_PAR$query)
makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_PAR, col='strand') + ggtitle("Main hits from AOM-5 to OSKA's PAR")

Let’s flip things around a little to get things as linear as they can be:

makeOxfordPlots( flipContigsForOxfordPlot(Osa_Aom_PAR, flip_which = c('contig_49_1', 'contig_38_1')), col='strand')  + ggtitle("AOM-5 contigs scaffolded and reoriented to PAR")

PAR is:

# c('contig_12_1', rev('contig_38_1'), rev('contig_49_1'), 'contig_15_1', 'contig_34_1'))


XSR is already complete, we just need to flip it.

Osa_Aom_XSR <- gbs$Osa_Aom |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "XSR")
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_XSR)       <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_XSR)
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_XSR$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_XSR$query)

Osa_Aom_XSR[seqnames(Osa_Aom_XSR$query) %in% seqlevels(Osa_Aom_XSR$query)[QTcoverage(Osa_Aom_XSR) < 0.5]] <- NULL
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_XSR$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_XSR$query)

makeOxfordPlots( flipContigsForOxfordPlot(Osa_Aom_XSR, flip_which = c('contig_4_1')), col='strand')  + ggtitle("AOM-5 contig reoriented to XSR")

XSR is:

# c(rev('contig_4_1'))


Osa_Aom_YSR <- gbs$Osa_Aom |> plyranges::filter(seqnames == "YSR")
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_YSR)       <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_YSR)
seqlevels(Osa_Aom_YSR$query) <- seqlevelsInUse(Osa_Aom_YSR$query)

makeOxfordPlots(Osa_Aom_YSR, col='strand')

# YSR is contig_20_1
Osa_Aom_YSR <- Osa_Aom_YSR[seqnames(Osa_Aom_YSR$query) == "contig_20_1"]

# Let's flip things around a little to get things as linear as they can be:
makeOxfordPlots( flipContigsForOxfordPlot(Osa_Aom_YSR, flip_which = c('contig_20_1')), col='strand')

YSR is:

# c(rev('contig_20_1'))
Bringing it together
aom_scaffolds <- list(
    contig=c('contig_46_1', 'contig_2_1', 'contig_48_1',
             'contig_5_1',  'contig_1_1', 'contig_3_1',
             'contig_39_1', 'contig_32_1'),
    orientation=c(1, 1, -1,
                  1, -1, 1,
                  1, -1)),
    contig=c('contig_44_1', 'contig_42_1', 'contig_23_1',
             'contig_22_1', 'contig_45_1'),
    orientation=c(-1, -1, -1,
                  1, -1)),
    contig=c('contig_12_1', 'contig_38_1', 'contig_49_1',
             'contig_15_1', 'contig_34_1'),
    orientation=c(1, -1, -1,
                  1, 1)),

# Store the results in the package for re-use in other vignettes
if(!exists("scafs")) {
  scafs <- SimpleList() 
  scafs$Aom_Osa <- aom_scaffolds
  # usethis::use_data(scafs)
} else {
  identical(aom_scaffolds, OikScrambling::scafs$Aom_Osa)
## [1] TRUE
scaf_Aom_Osa <- scaffoldByFlipAndMerge(gbs$Osa_Aom |> swap(), aom_scaffolds, drop = TRUE) |> swap()
scaf_Aom_Osa |> makeOxfordPlots()

# Original plot for comparison
gbs$Osa_Aom |> makeOxfordPlots()