knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, cache.lazy = FALSE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(verbose = TRUE)


Regions matching repeat annotations in the target or the query genome.

Load R pacakges and data

## Warning in runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package): input string
## 'Génoscope' cannot be translated from 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' to UTF-8, but is valid
## UTF-8

## Warning in runHook(".onLoad", env, package.lib, package): input string
## 'Génoscope' cannot be translated from 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' to UTF-8, but is valid
## UTF-8
## List of length 6
## names(6): Oki Osa Bar Kum Aom Nor
(reps <- OikScrambling:::loadAllRepeats())
## List of length 6
## names(6): Oki Osa Bar Kum Aom Nor
##  [1] "gbs"       "unal"      "coa"       "unmap"     "bri"       "tra"      
##  [7] "tra2"      "coa2"      "unmap2"    "wgo"       "longShort"

See vignette("LoadGenomicBreaks", package = "OikScrambling") for how the different GBreaks objects are prepared.

Repeats intersecting with GBreaks regions


reps_in <- list()
Oki_pairs <- c("Oki_Osa", "Oki_Bar", "Oki_Kum", "Oki_Aom", "Oki_Nor")
Osa_pairs <- c("Osa_Oki", "Osa_Bar", "Osa_Kum", "Osa_Aom", "Osa_Nor")
Bar_pairs <- c("Bar_Oki", "Bar_Osa", "Bar_Kum", "Bar_Aom", "Bar_Nor")

mkRepsIn <- function(pairs, reps) {
  tableIntersectWithReps <- function(gb) {
    ov <- subsetByOverlaps(reps, gb, ignore.strand = TRUE)
  reps_in <- list()
  reps_in$total   <- sapply(        pairs , \(.) table(reps$Class))
  reps_in$unal    <- sapply(unal   [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$gbs     <- sapply(gbs    [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$unmap   <- sapply(unmap  [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$unmap2  <- sapply(unmap2 [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$bri <- sapply(bri[pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$map     <- sapply(coa    [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$map2    <- sapply(coa2   [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)
  reps_in$tra     <- sapply(tra    [pairs], tableIntersectWithReps)

reps_in_Oki <- mkRepsIn(Oki_pairs, reps$Oki)
reps_in_Osa <- mkRepsIn(Osa_pairs, reps$Osa)
reps_in_Bar <- mkRepsIn(Bar_pairs, reps$Bar)

toLong <- function(m, Region = NULL) {
  m <- tibble::as_tibble(m, rownames = "Class") |>
  if (! is.null(Region))
    m <- dplyr::mutate(m, Region = Region)

reps_in_Oki.norm <- lapply(reps_in_Oki, \(x) x / reps_in_Oki$total)
reps_in_Osa.norm <- lapply(reps_in_Osa, \(x) x / reps_in_Osa$total)
reps_in_Bar.norm <- lapply(reps_in_Bar, \(x) x / reps_in_Bar$total)

toLong.reps <- function(reps_in)
    toLong(reps_in$unmap,   "unMap"),
    toLong(reps_in$bri, "unAlnMap"),
    toLong(reps_in$map,     "Map"),
    toLong(reps_in$gbs,     "Aln"),
    toLong(reps_in$unal,    "unAln"),
    toLong(reps_in$tra,     "Tra")

reps_in_Oki.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Oki)
reps_in_Osa.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Osa)
reps_in_Bar.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Bar)

reps_in_Oki.norm.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Oki.norm)
reps_in_Osa.norm.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Osa.norm)
reps_in_Bar.norm.long <- toLong.reps(reps_in_Bar.norm)

Summary numbers

sapply(reps_in_Oki.norm, rowMeans)
##               total      unal        gbs     unmap    unmap2       bri
## LowComplexity     1 0.4745682 0.54615843 0.2592019 0.2538416 0.2153663
## ltr-1             1 0.9098417 0.09239367 0.4839491 0.4380317 0.4276001
## rnd               1 0.8469141 0.15840375 0.4767686 0.4534000 0.3710569
## SINE              1 0.7780000 0.21666667 0.3073333 0.2906667 0.4713333
## tandem            1 0.5424133 0.46963753 0.2923270 0.2788326 0.2503060
## unknown           1 0.8472003 0.18038517 0.3934320 0.3749304 0.4545475
##                     map      map2        tra
## LowComplexity 0.7440143 0.7488982 0.05205479
## ltr-1         0.5061472 0.5438063 0.08329711
## rnd           0.5060656 0.5235500 0.06104499
## SINE          0.6520000 0.6660000 0.05666667
## tandem        0.7028401 0.7153931 0.05953240
## unknown       0.6103974 0.6229990 0.05708561
sapply(reps_in_Osa.norm, rowMeans)
##               total      unal       gbs     unmap    unmap2       bri       map
## LowComplexity     1 0.3786448 0.6078029 0.1980835 0.1919233 0.1808350 0.7620808
## rnd               1 0.7903099 0.2380329 0.3250682 0.3085441 0.4663150 0.6365411
## tandem            1 0.4687947 0.5182976 0.2320251 0.2235828 0.2369789 0.7338217
## unknown           1 0.7687199 0.2581531 0.2702265 0.2566158 0.4993748 0.6919545
##                    map2        tra
## LowComplexity 0.7663244 0.04257358
## rnd           0.6477715 0.05037899
## tandem        0.7406942 0.04678179
## unknown       0.7003997 0.04759660
sapply(reps_in_Bar.norm, rowMeans)
##               total      unal       gbs     unmap    unmap2       bri       map
## LowComplexity     1 0.4195983 0.6105904 0.2225198 0.2177724 0.1973220 0.7727328
## rnd               1 0.8396612 0.2151969 0.4237909 0.4105560 0.4170070 0.5652549
## tandem            1 0.4942132 0.5121783 0.2778027 0.2751080 0.2166868 0.7055450
## unknown           1 0.8326723 0.2586960 0.3292053 0.3188757 0.5050364 0.6728492
##                    map2        tra
## LowComplexity 0.7755326 0.03469264
## rnd           0.5728714 0.05364900
## tandem        0.7069960 0.03959233
## unknown       0.6781281 0.04642602

Summary plots

Note that Oki has more repeat classes.

# Here, the outlier is the same-species comparison, Okinawa – Kume
ggplot(reps_in_Oki.long) + aes(Region, value) +
  geom_boxplot() + geom_point(aes(col = name)) +
  facet_grid(~Class, scales = "free") + coord_flip()

# There, the outliers are the same-species comparison, Bar – Nor and Osa – Aom.
ggplot(rbind(reps_in_Osa.long, reps_in_Bar.long)) + aes(Region, value) +
  geom_boxplot() + geom_point(aes(col = name)) +
  facet_grid(~Class, scales = "free") + coord_flip()

# Summary plot combining all comparisons
  ) |> dplyr::mutate(Distance = OikScrambling:::compDistance(name))) +
  aes(x="", value) + xlab("") + 
  geom_boxplot() + geom_point(aes(col = Distance)) +
  facet_grid(~Class ~Region, scales = "free") + coord_flip() +
  ylab("Fraction overlaping") +
  ggtitle("Repeats overlaping with computed regions")

Tracking repeats across genome pairs

The upset plots below show whether a repeat in the Okinawa or the Osaka genome as target genome is located in an given region in respect to one or many of the query genomes.

Note: Some repeat annotations overlap.


More than 10,000 repeat annotations are in regions aligned to the same-population control genome, demonstrating that they are mapable in principle.

isPresent <- function(r, gb) ifelse(countOverlaps(r,gb) == 0, 0, 1)

alignedRepsOki <- data.frame(
  align_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, gbs$Oki_Osa),
  align_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, gbs$Oki_Aom),
  align_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, gbs$Oki_Bar),
  align_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, gbs$Oki_Nor),
  align_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, gbs$Oki_Kum)

alignedRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  align_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, gbs$Osa_Oki),
  align_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, gbs$Osa_Bar),
  align_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, gbs$Osa_Nor),
  align_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, gbs$Osa_Kum),
  align_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, gbs$Osa_Aom)

alignedRepsBar <- data.frame(
  align_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, gbs$Bar_Oki),
  align_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, gbs$Bar_Osa),
  align_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, gbs$Bar_Nor),
  align_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, gbs$Bar_Kum),
  align_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, gbs$Bar_Aom)


~40,000 repeat annotations are in regions that are not aligned to a different-population_query_ genome. This might be caused by insertions and deletions.

unalignedRepsOki <- data.frame(
  unal_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, unal$Oki_Osa),
  unal_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, unal$Oki_Aom),
  unal_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, unal$Oki_Bar),
  unal_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, unal$Oki_Nor),
  unal_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, unal$Oki_Kum)

unalignedRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  unal_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, unal$Osa_Oki),
  unal_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, unal$Osa_Bar),
  unal_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, unal$Osa_Nor),
  unal_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, unal$Osa_Kum),
  unal_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, unal$Osa_Aom)

alignedRepsBar <- data.frame(
  unal_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, unal$Bar_Oki),
  unal_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, unal$Bar_Osa),
  unal_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, unal$Bar_Nor),
  unal_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, unal$Bar_Kum),
  unal_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, unal$Bar_Aom)


mappedRepsOki <- data.frame(
  mapped_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, coa$Oki_Osa),
  mapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, coa$Oki_Aom),
  mapped_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, coa$Oki_Bar),
  mapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, coa$Oki_Nor),
  mapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, coa$Oki_Kum)

mappedRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  mapped_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, coa$Osa_Oki),
  mapped_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, coa$Osa_Bar),
  mapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, coa$Osa_Nor),
  mapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, coa$Osa_Kum),
  mapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, coa$Osa_Aom)

mappedRepsBar <- data.frame(
  mapped_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, coa$Bar_Oki),
  mapped_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, coa$Bar_Osa),
  mapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, coa$Bar_Nor),
  mapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, coa$Bar_Kum),
  mapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, coa$Bar_Aom)


unmappedRepsOki <- data.frame(
  unmapped_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, unmap$Oki_Osa),
  unmapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, unmap$Oki_Aom),
  unmapped_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, unmap$Oki_Bar),
  unmapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, unmap$Oki_Nor),
  unmapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, unmap$Oki_Kum)

unmappedRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  unmapped_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, unmap$Osa_Oki),
  unmapped_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, unmap$Osa_Bar),
  unmapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, unmap$Osa_Nor),
  unmapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, unmap$Osa_Kum),
  unmapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, unmap$Osa_Aom)

unmappedRepsBar <- data.frame(
  unmapped_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, unmap$Bar_Oki),
  unmapped_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, unmap$Bar_Osa),
  unmapped_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, unmap$Bar_Nor),
  unmapped_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, unmap$Bar_Kum),
  unmapped_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, unmap$Bar_Aom)

Unaligned but mapped by flanking colinear blocks

briRepsOki <- data.frame(
  bri_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, bri$Oki_Osa),
  bri_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, bri$Oki_Aom),
  bri_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, bri$Oki_Bar),
  bri_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, bri$Oki_Nor),
  bri_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, bri$Oki_Kum)

briRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  bri_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, bri$Osa_Oki),
  bri_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, bri$Osa_Bar),
  bri_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, bri$Osa_Nor),
  bri_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, bri$Osa_Kum),
  bri_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, bri$Osa_Aom)

briRepsBar <- data.frame(
  bri_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, bri$Bar_Oki),
  bri_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, bri$Bar_Osa),
  bri_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, bri$Bar_Nor),
  bri_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, bri$Bar_Kum),
  bri_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, bri$Bar_Aom)


traRepsOki <- data.frame(
  tra_Osa = isPresent(reps$Oki, tra$Oki_Osa),
  tra_Aom = isPresent(reps$Oki, tra$Oki_Aom),
  tra_Bar = isPresent(reps$Oki, tra$Oki_Bar),
  tra_Nor = isPresent(reps$Oki, tra$Oki_Nor),
  tra_Kum = isPresent(reps$Oki, tra$Oki_Kum)

traRepsOsa <- data.frame(
  tra_Oki = isPresent(reps$Osa, tra$Osa_Oki),
  tra_Bar = isPresent(reps$Osa, tra$Osa_Bar),
  tra_Nor = isPresent(reps$Osa, tra$Osa_Nor),
  tra_Kum = isPresent(reps$Osa, tra$Osa_Kum),
  tra_Aom = isPresent(reps$Osa, tra$Osa_Aom)

traRepsBar <- data.frame(
  tra_Oki = isPresent(reps$Bar, tra$Bar_Oki),
  tra_Osa = isPresent(reps$Bar, tra$Bar_Osa),
  tra_Nor = isPresent(reps$Bar, tra$Bar_Nor),
  tra_Kum = isPresent(reps$Bar, tra$Bar_Kum),
  tra_Aom = isPresent(reps$Bar, tra$Bar_Aom)

Repeat annotation of the GBreaks objects

See vignette("LoadGenomicBreaks", package = "OikScrambling") for how the different GBreaks objects are annotated.

countGbsMatchingReps <- function(gb)  sum(sapply(gb$rep, \(x) ! any(
 fracGbsMatchingReps <- function(gbl) sapply(gbl, countGbsMatchingReps) / sapply(gbl, length)

summaryMatchingReps <- (sapply(list(aligned    = gbs[1:15],     unAligned = unal[1:15],
             mapped     = coa[1:15],     unMapped  = unmap[1:15],
             unAlMapped = bri[1:15],
             transposed = tra[1:15],     transposed2 = tra2[1:15],
             mapped2    = coa2[1:15],    unMapped2 = unmap2[1:15]),

summaryMatchingReps |> tibble::as_tibble() |>
  dplyr::group_by(dist=rownames(summaryMatchingReps) |> OikScrambling:::compDistance()) |>
## # A tibble: 3 × 10
##   dist       aligned unAligned mapped unMapped unAlMapped transposed transposed2
##   <chr>        <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 In same p…   0.678     0.598  0.809    0.580      0.531      0.808       0.840
## 2 North – N…   0.297     0.494  0.602    0.487      0.486      0.661       0.742
## 3 Oki – Nor…   0.135     0.360  0.404    0.381      0.349      0.533       0.612
## # ℹ 2 more variables: mapped2 <dbl>, unMapped2 <dbl>

Reduced repeat set

Old plots; they show that the above is also true if we merge overlapping repeats.

reps.reduced <- sapply(reps, reduce, ignore.strand = TRUE) |> SimpleList()
# They are short.
sapply(reps.reduced, \(gr) summary(width(gr)))
##                Oki       Osa        Bar        Kum        Aom        Nor
## Min.       15.0000    9.0000    12.0000    13.0000    11.0000    11.0000
## 1st Qu.    58.0000   66.0000    57.0000    59.0000    67.0000    63.0000
## Median    129.0000  159.0000   143.0000   134.0000   157.0000   152.0000
## Mean      293.5162  226.8387   267.7418   278.6945   239.4878   295.5797
## 3rd Qu.   281.0000  286.0000   267.0000   292.0000   282.0000   330.0000
## Max.    25734.0000 9208.0000 62015.0000 24020.0000 41142.0000 17402.0000

Colinearity interruptors (unmapped regions ?)

(reps_coa <- tibble::tibble(
    pairname    = Oki_pairs,
    total       = length(reps.reduced$Oki),
    match_unmap = sapply(unmap[Oki_pairs], \(gb) length(subsetByOverlaps(reps.reduced$Oki, gb))),
    match_map   = sapply(   coa[Oki_pairs], \(gb) length(subsetByOverlaps(reps.reduced$Oki, gb))),
    mapped      = match_map   / total * 100,
    unmapped    = match_unmap / total * 100,
    sum = mapped + unmapped
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
##   pairname total match_unmap match_map mapped unmapped   sum
##   <chr>    <int>       <int>     <int>  <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Oki_Osa  31520       14906     16185   51.3     47.3  98.6
## 2 Oki_Bar  31520       14804     16150   51.2     47.0  98.2
## 3 Oki_Kum  31520        5351     27409   87.0     17.0 104. 
## 4 Oki_Aom  31520       14898     16339   51.8     47.3  99.1
## 5 Oki_Nor  31520       15834     15177   48.2     50.2  98.4
ggplot(reps_coa |> tidyr::pivot_longer(c("mapped", "unmapped"))) +
  aes(name, value) +
  ggtitle("Matches of repeats to mapped or unmaped regions") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100)) +
  ylab("Percent of the repeat regions") +
  xlab("Matching to region:") +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_point(aes(col = pairname))

Unaligned regions

(reps_gbs <- tibble::tibble(
    pairname   = Oki_pairs,
    total      = length(reps.reduced$Oki),
    match_unal = sapply(unal[Oki_pairs], \(gb) length(subsetByOverlaps(reps.reduced$Oki, gb))),
    match_al   = sapply(gbs[Oki_pairs], \(gb) length(subsetByOverlaps(reps.reduced$Oki, gb))),
    aligned   = match_al   / total * 100,
    unaligned = match_unal / total * 100,
    sum = aligned + unaligned
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
##   pairname total match_unal match_al aligned unaligned   sum
##   <chr>    <int>      <int>    <int>   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Oki_Osa  31520      26475     5178    16.4      84.0 100. 
## 2 Oki_Bar  31520      26762     4712    14.9      84.9  99.9
## 3 Oki_Kum  31520      12735    22222    70.5      40.4 111. 
## 4 Oki_Aom  31520      26910     4906    15.6      85.4 101. 
## 5 Oki_Nor  31520      27116     4379    13.9      86.0  99.9
ggplot(reps_gbs |> tidyr::pivot_longer(c("aligned", "unaligned"))) +
  aes(name, value) +
  ggtitle("Matches of repeats to aligned or unaligned regions") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100)) +
  ylab("Percent of the repeat regions") +
  xlab("Matching to region:") +
  geom_boxplot() +
  geom_point(aes(col = pairname))

Repeat annotation of the shortest mapped regions

In Oki – North comparisons, the distribution of mapped region widths is bimodal and the two peaks are best separated around 600 bp. See vignette("RegionWidths", package = "OikScrambling") for details.

coa$Oki_Osa |> plyranges::mutate(w_short = width < 600) |> |> tibble::as_tibble() |>
  ggplot() + aes(width, col =Arm) +
  geom_freqpoly() + scale_x_log10() +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 600) +
  ggtitle("Example width distribution of mapped regions (Oki_Osa)")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

We want to know if the regions of width shorter than 600 match more repeats, and to what extent the matching repeats cover them.

checkOverlapWithRepeatsInShortAndLongWidthRegions <- function(gr, rep) {
  grl <- gr |> split(width(gr) < 600)
    `Length`                   = c(Long = "Long", Short = "Short"),
    `Number of regions`        = c(Long  = length(grl[["FALSE"]]),
                                 Short = length(grl[["TRUE"]])),
    `Total width`              = c(Long  = grl[["FALSE"]] |> reduce() |> width() |> sum(),
                                 Short = grl[["TRUE"]]  |> reduce() |> width() |> sum()),
    `Width covered by reps`    = c(Long  = intersect(grl[["FALSE"]], rep) |> reduce() |> width() |> sum(),
                                 Short = intersect(grl[["TRUE"]], rep)  |> reduce() |> width() |> sum())
checkOverlapWithRepeatsInShortAndLongWidthRegions(coa$Oki_Osa, reps$Oki)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   Length `Number of regions` `Total width` `Width covered by reps`
##   <chr>                <int>         <int>                   <int>
## 1 Long                  5664      44510187                 1978784
## 2 Short                 3179        858460                    6205
checkOverlapWithRepeatsInShortAndLongWidthRegions(coa$Osa_Oki, reps$Osa)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   Length `Number of regions` `Total width` `Width covered by reps`
##   <chr>                <int>         <int>                   <int>
## 1 Long                  5624      41234589                 2102670
## 2 Short                 3212        851419                    4123
checkOverlapWithRepeatsInShortAndLongWidthRegions(coa$Bar_Oki, reps$Bar)
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   Length `Number of regions` `Total width` `Width covered by reps`
##   <chr>                <int>         <int>                   <int>
## 1 Long                  5295      39663995                 1638582
## 2 Short                 3198        822315                    5703

In conclusion, most of the short mapped regions are not mapped repeats.