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Given a source plate, a target plate and the representation of a filled target plate, calculate the liquid transfers necessary perform the filling.


planTransfers(source, destination, plan, model = "525")



A source Plate.


A destination Plate.


A Plate representing the additions to the destination plate.


Which Echo model to use.


A transfer log


Each reagent of the plan plate is transferred one after the other. Once a reagent is selected, a source well is sought for the transfer and the transducer is moved to it.

See also


sourcePlate <- examplePlate
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP    buffer
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01     1e+05        NA
#> A02     1e+05        NA
#> A03        NA     1e+05
#> A04        NA        NA
#> A05        NA        NA
#> A06        NA        NA

planPlate <- Plate("384") |>
  setWell(Well("A01"), "dNTP",   50) |>
  setWell(Well("A02"), "dNTP",  100) |>
  setWell(Well("A01"), "buffer", 50)
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP    buffer
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01        50        50
#> A02       100        NA
#> A03        NA        NA
#> A04        NA        NA
#> A05        NA        NA
#> A06        NA        NA

destinationPlate <- Plate("384", deadVolume = 1e4, maxVolume = 1e5)

echo <- planTransfers(sourcePlate, destinationPlate, planPlate)
#> A 525 Echo machine:
#>   Source plate:      A Plate with data about 384 wells (dead volume: 10000; max volume: 1e+05).
#>   Destination plate: A Plate with data about 384 wells (dead volume: 10000; max volume: 1e+05).
#> Transducer at the following coordinates:
#>   Source:      A03
#>   Destination: A01
#> 3 elements in the log.
echo |> showLogs()
#>   from  to vol   what
#> 1  A01 A01  50   dNTP
#> 2  A01 A02 100   dNTP
#> 3  A03 A01  50 buffer