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A Well represents the coordinates of a well in a plate of a given format (by default, 384). Given these coordinates, the functions Row() and Column() extract the row and column coordinates as letters and numbers respectively. Note that plate formats names are characters, not numbers.

well <- Well("C14")
well |> Row()
#> [1] "C"
#> [1] "14"
#> [1] "04"

Because the well coordinates come with a plate format, it is possible to determine where is the “next” well.

#> B01 (384-well format)


A plate object represents a physical mutliwell plate that may be filled with liquids. In addition to its format, it has a dead volume property that is used to calculate when it is not possible anymore to draw liquid from a well, and a maximal volume property that is used to to calculate when it is not possible anymore to add liquid to a well. These properties can be left unspecified when the plate representation is for theoretical purposes only. All volumes are expressed in nanoliters.

(plate <- Plate("96", deadVolume = 1e4, maxVolume = 1e5))
#> A Plate with data about 96 wells (dead volume: 10000; max volume: 1e+05).
#> A Plate with data about 384 wells (dead volume: unspecified; max volume: unspecified).

The function PlateTypeToWellNames enumerates the names of the wells of a plate.

PlateTypeToWellNames("96") |> head(13)
#>  [1] "A01" "A02" "A03" "A04" "A05" "A06" "A07" "A08" "A09" "A10" "A11" "A12"
#> [13] "B01"

A filter function, setWell, is provided to add contents to a plate.

plate <- plate |>
  setWell(Well("A01"), "dNTP", 1e5) |>
  setWell(Well("A02"), "DMSO", 1e5)

The contents of a plate can be extracted by converting Plate objects to their base class, DataFrame. The head() function does this automagically.

plate |> DataFrame() |> head()
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP      DMSO
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01     1e+05        NA
#> A02        NA     1e+05
#> A03        NA        NA
#> A04        NA        NA
#> A05        NA        NA
#> A06        NA        NA
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP      DMSO
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01     1e+05        NA
#> A02        NA     1e+05
#> A03        NA        NA
#> A04        NA        NA
#> A05        NA        NA
#> A06        NA        NA

Note that setting again the same reagent overrides the volume, and that setting another reagent does not reset the previous one.

plate |> setWell(Well("A01"), "dNTP", 1e4) |> head(3)
#> DataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP      DMSO
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01     10000        NA
#> A02        NA     1e+05
#> A03        NA        NA
plate |> setWell(Well("A01"), "DMSO", 1e4) |> head(3)
#> DataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns
#>          dNTP      DMSO
#>     <numeric> <numeric>
#> A01     1e+05     1e+04
#> A02        NA     1e+05
#> A03        NA        NA

The sourceReagent function reports what reagents are found in the whole plate or one of its wells.

#> [1] "dNTP" "DMSO"
sourceReagent(plate, Well("A02"))
#> [1] "DMSO"

Conversely, plateWellVolume reports the volume of a well or of one of its reagents.

plate <- plate |>
  setWell(Well("A03"), "DMSO", 1e4) |>
  setWell(Well("A03"), "H2O", 1e4)
plateWellVolume(plate, Well("A03"))
#> [1] 20000
plateWellVolume(plate, Well("A03"), "DMSO")
#> [1] 10000

Finally, starting from A01 or an arbitrary location, it is possible to find where is the next well containing a given reagent.

seekReagent(plate, "H2O")
#> A03 (96-well format)

For developers


  • Class names start with capital letters.
  • Constructor functions have the same name as the class.